Star Dust CYOA Wikia
The Star Dust CYOA Wiki

Star Dust CYOA is a CYOA created by /tg/ that is about building star ships and star ship fleets. The player uses a credit system to make their builds and have a selection of things like ship size and class, manufacturers, faction origins, weapon mounts, crew members, interior rooms, and more. Be prepared to use a calculator and probably spreadsheets.

It is an expanding universe that can be viewed from any angle. This Wiki hopes to detail all of the fluff and lore involved, from the background stories of the factions you choose from to the background stories of the characters.

Recent Changes

The CYOA The Lore

CYOA and DLCs:

  • Latest Version
  • DLC: Star Romance
  • DLC: Soldier of the Stars
  • Resources & Source Files

